välkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

I have learned from the best family of bakers. I like to think my love of desserts comes from my Grandma Bloom, who could stop at just one cookie for dessert, but believed in the power of pastry. Many of my favorite recipes come from her (the absolute best on cards in her handwriting), or even her mother. My mama taught me the really important things: level-off the flour, clean as you go, keep stirring the chocolate glaze because it will come together eventually. Aunt/next door neighbor Eileen has always been the bearer of birthday cookies, banana bread and socks. Aunt Barb is my encyclopedia for Scandinavian goodies, and they both send me recipes in the mail. Ann, whose home I spent my childhood summers in, kept her cabinets stocked for me and ruled the kitchen during our New Year’s Skate and Bake. And Randy and Carter (dad and brother) taste all my treats and always finish what I can’t when I’ve over-ordered at a bakery.

To me, baking is all about dancing around a kitchen and sharing with your favorite people. There’s nothing I love more than tackling new recipes, making a pot of coffee and sharing treats with my friends and family. I’m very excited to start this new project and I hope you enjoy what’s to come!

Baked with love,